August 15, 2010 (Sun.)

David sent Chrissy home to get some rest at 8:30 pm last night, Joe went to the ER to sit with him, he sent me a text that David had his CAT Scan at 9:45 pm.

David was moved from the ER to room #6832 @ 11:00 pm Sat. night. The doctor wants David moved to a "pressure room" which is a room that has the air conditioning unit pushing air out of the room, it will help reduce the chance of a bacteria getting in his room from the hallway. The will move him as soon as one becomes available. All the nurses put on masks whenever they entered in the room in hopes of not exposing David to anything.

I'll try to post more information when I can later today.

"You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
I John 4:4

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