Apr. 7, 2010 (Wed.)

The anti-nausea medicine that David was given while at the hospital worked until about 7:30 p.m last night and then David starting feeling bad again.

David woke up this morning when someone came by to pick up Ethan to take him to his Grandma Melton's house for some Pre-school time. David threw up and then went back to bed.

David had to be back at the hospital today at 1:00 pm. for another dose of Chemo. He didn't have to have blood work done today.

Chrissy said they received two gifts today. One was from a TAC officer from the Sheriff department and other from an Aunt and Uncle. Thanks everyone for continuing to be such a blessing.

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts."  Is 55:9

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