August 6, 2010 (Fri.)

David's sister Angel came for a visit this morning and brought him breakfast, then she went over and watched the kids so Chrissy could go to the hospital and visit David and be with him when he had his Spinal Tap. The one problem in being at UCI is that it's a training hospital so a medical student tried to give David is spinal tap today. After several failed attempts Karen (his Physician Assistant), finally did the procedure successfully. 

Terry (a good friend) from the Sheriff's department brought David lunch and hung out with him for hours. It's Terry's birthday today (Happy Birthday!) it was kind of him to come his birthday with David.

Joe picked up Ethan from pre-school this evening and took Ethan to the hospital to visit his dad and took David dinner. All David wanted for dinner was pretzels and Gatorade. Ethan left his stuffed bear (Junior) with David to sleep with.

"Therefore whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
1 Corinthians 10:31

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