August 5, 2010 (Thurs.)

Chrissy said this morning that the hospital didn't have a bed available. Mrs. Carol (has been kind enough to come over every week and clean David & Chrissy's Apartment) was there and they stopped and prayed together, as soon as they finished praying Chrissy looked at her phone and she had a message saying a bed had opened up on the cancer floor. Joe took David to the hospital at  1:30 this afternoon.

His blood work came back that David is neutropenic (.7). The pharmacy is mixing the chemo, but they are waiting for Dr. Sender to approve the treatment since his count is so low. Last week Dr. Sender was disappointed that David didn't receive his scheduled chemo when he was neutropenic so we are assuming he will approve it. Please pray that he is okay.

Currently, he is in room 7626 but he may get moved to an anteroom (isolation room). He doesn't like the infection control rooms because they are smaller and more cramped. I'll keep you posted.

Tomorrow David should receive his spinal tap.

Chrissy wanted me to tell everyone how grateful she is for all your generosity.

"All of our praise rises to the One who is strong enough to make you strong, exactly as preached in Jesus Christ, precisely as revealed in the mystery kept secret for so long but now an open book through the prophetic Scriptures."
            Romans 16:25

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