August 12, 2010 (Thurs.)

David is extremely tired and took a long nap today. He is weak and having a hard time eating. Mickey (The home heath nurse) came and drew blood, by looking at David she thinks that his blood sugar might be low since David was shaky until he had food today.

One website that I was reading tonight said:
Cancer can be a cause of low blood sugar. Chemotherapy will decrease the appetite or lead to nausea and vomiting. Food does not taste the same to people who have had chemotherapy. Skipping meals or eating very little will cause a drop in blood sugar levels.
Chrissy is going to get David a small ice chest and fill it full of snack foods (cheese sticks, fruit, etc.) so that David has food in his room right next to his bed that he can get to all day. 

They should get the WBC (white blood count) results of emailed to them tomorrow.

"Therefore, I will look to the LORD;
I will WAIT for the God of my salvation,
My God will hear me."
            Micah 7:7

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