July 22, 2010 (Thurs.)

At 1:45 am this morning, David and Chrissy finally just walked out of the ER. David was supposed to have a CAT scan at 11:30 last night and everything just kept getting postponed. They were told the CT machine at the hospital broke and there had been 5 trauma patients that had come in that evening. Knowing that they needed to get up and go to the VA this morning, they decided to just leave and go home and get some sleep. They were out the door at early this morning to make sure they were in Long Beach for their 9:00 am appointment.

The VA wanted documentation of all of David’s treatments since he’s been in Iraq and were surprised that David hadn’t complained about his heath earlier. I guess he's just not that whimpy. :)  They got home this afternoon at 2:30 pm.

They continue to work on trying to get David admitted into the hospital for the next two weeks of intensive chemo.

Please pray…
  • The VA would grant benefits
  • Insurance and doctors would allow David to be admitted to the hospital for 2+ weeks starting July 27th 
 "Blessed is the man who fears the LORD,
Who delights greatly in His commandments.
His descendants will be mighty on the earth;
the generation of the upright will be blessed."
Psalm 112:1-2

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