David - Jan. 26, 2010

Joe and I would like to send out a prayer request.
David (Joe’s 25 year old son) came into Orange County (they live out by Lake Perris) in Thursday, January 21st to go the ER, trying to figure out why he hasn't been feeling well for several months.

The doctors are convinced it is some sort of Lymphoma.
They have admitted him to Placentia Linda hospital until they can determine for sure.
Here is the Web MD’s website covering the topic.

Here are the symptoms that he has experienced for sure.
  •    A painless swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck, underarm, or groin.
  •    This is the most common symptom.
  •    Fever not caused by another health problem.
  •    Night sweats.
  •    Extreme fatigue.
  •    Weight loss you can't explain. (15 pounds since Dec. 1st)
  •    Reddened patches on the skin.
  •    A cough or shortness of breath.
  •    Pain in the belly or back. (he has both)
Once we know what kind of Lymphoma it is (Hodgkin’s vs. Non-Hodgkin’s) then we will know what kind of treatment will be recommended.
  • They are still waiting for the CT doctor to come in and give the results of that.
  • We found out that David’s blood cell count is 22,000 (normal is 11,000).
  • His spleen and liver is very enlarged
  • He had a surgery Saturday morning to remove one of the lymph nodes in his groin so they could biopsy it.
  • The biopsy results will take several days to come back.
  • He is having a bone-marrow biopsy today.  
He also had to go to the ER on Christmas Eve for pneumonia.
We have had the babies since Thursday, Chrissy comes back to the house to spend the night.
Please keep David (Chrissy & babies) in your prayers.

"With man this is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible." Matt 19:26

The Scripture for Jan. 25, 2010 were:
Lord, say but the Word, and David will be healed." Luke 7:7b

We all believe in the Word and God said that His Word would not come back void. Is55:11

"So is my Word that goes out from my mouth, It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." Is55:11

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