Apr. 10, 2010 (Sat.)

Joe and I met David & Chrissy this morning to finish filling out the paperwork for the Class Action lawsuit against KBR (See March 28, 2010 blog).  The questionnaire was lengthy and took us almost two hours to dig through files to find dates, names, addresses and information about lots of different questions, I’m glad it’s completed. Now I need to print all the copies of medical & prescription bills since David has been diagnosed with Leukemia (I’m sure that will take at least one tree’s life), we logged onto his insurance online account and the bills go on and on…

Sarah and Seth were kind enough to go with us this morning and keep Ethan, Anna and Titus occupied while we worked. We are very grateful for them.

Above and beyond the Class action Lawsuit paperwork is also the paperwork that needs to be completed to request benefits from the VA. David will need to have a letter from one of his doctors saying that there is a possibility that David could have gotten ill because of exposure to something during his time spent in the military. Today we were also able to email some of his doctors requesting a letter. Please pray that one of them will be willing to write a letter for David. 

One of David’s nurses mentioned that a side effect to the IV Chemo is numbness in fingers. David had thought the numbness he was experiencing was due to the fact of all his bed rest, but apparently it’s not. He said the sensation is a combination of numbness & burning. The doctor has prescribed a medication to help contradict it. As you can see below, David has just a few prescriptions to keep track of.

 David's Medications

David will have a busy day today, after the time he spent with us this morning, some friends from church; Brian Rowe, Bob Mack & Brian Slezak were on their way over to pray for David at 11:00 am.  At 12:00 Noon, his sisters Angel, Kara and Joelle were planning on visiting.

I asked Chrissy how her lesson went on learning how to do the home IV was? She said it was fun. Chrissy also called regarding the bill for a procedure David had back in January and found out that they don’t have to pay for it…Praise the Lord for his continual provision!

"They stood at a distance and called out in a loud voice, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us!" When Jesus saw them, He said,"Go show yourself to the priests." AND AS THEY WENT, THEY WERE CLEANSED." One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice.  He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked Him - and he was a Samaritan."
Luke 17:13-15

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