Mar. 9, 2010 (Tues.)

Late last night Chrissy called after I had already updated the blog. They gave David 2 syringes of Chemo and an oral dose of Chemo. This morning he was very tired when we took him breakfast. He is usually wide awake when we get there, but he could barely open his eyes. He sounded a little better this afternoon and was enjoying Star Trek Voyager tonight.

He also had the spinal tap today. He asked Joe to come to the hospital and help him with breakfast tomorrow morning since he anticipates that lifting his head will be difficult.

Yesterday we took the truck over to Sean and Thu’s house (good friends of David & Chrissy’s). Sean said he would be willing to detail out the Durango and get it posted on Craig’s list since it rained again this weekend.

"Look upon my suffering and deliver me, for I have not forgotten Your Word. Defend my cause and redeem me; Preserve me according to Your promise."
Psalm 119:153-154

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