Mar. 29, 2010 (Mon.)

Today was a whirlwind of a day. David and Chrissy received a call this morning that their treatment plan was being changed because of their insurance company. David now has to be driven down to the Chou Cancer Center every Monday - Thursday for the next 3 to 4 weeks. He won't be admitted to the hospital.  However, he was pleased that he won't have another spinal tap either. David had to be at the hospital at 12:30 pm, when they arrived and had some blood work done. They were then shuffled around and had to wait for his chemo treatment. By the time Chrissy called me this evening at 5:30 pm she had just dropped David off at home and was running out to pick up his prescriptions.

David has also been suffering from heartburn. He didn't realize they had been regularly giving him Prilosec ( a medication for heartburn) while he was admitted in the hospital because heartburn can be a common side effect to Chemotherapy. He will start taking the Prilosec to see if it helps.

Chrissy has also asked that meals start being delivered to the house, with the additional traveling to the hospital and now having to care for David and the kids the assistance would be appreciated.  Please let me know if you can sign up for a day.

"Dear David, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well."   3 John, verse 2

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