July 27, 2010 (Tues.) - Part 2

The doctor came in after looking over David's charts and blood test results. It seems that David is currently Neutropenic and has been that way since July 21st. His white blood cell count is so low the doctor is suggesting they give him a "blood booster". There is a concern that the blood booster can conflict with the Leukemia and or it can "enhance" the Leukemia. If he receives the blood booster he could be stong enough to get his chemo treatment in 2 days, if he doesn't receive it he will be discharged and have to go back in a week and be behind on his chemo treatment schedule. David's regular doctor is in Chicago and they are waiting for his response to the voicemail before a decision can be made.

David has been feeling really lousy with flu like symptoms for quite a while, it is most likely because he has been neutropenic and hasn't been following the correct diet. Everything is supposed to be completely cooked to make sure that he isn't exposed to bacterias his body can't fight off. Today he ate a huge salad for lunch, ugh!

The home health care nurse comes every Monday & Thursday and draws blood, how come this wasn't discovered sooner? Thank goodness he was in the hospital today...if he had been at the Chao Center they might have just given him the spinal tap with the chemo and sent him home. Thanks for your prayers.

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