July 19, 2010 (Mon.)

David received a letter from the VA regarding the request for benefits. At this point it looks as though the VA is saying that the letter alone provided by Dr. Sender stating his “opinion” isn’t enough evidence to justify David receiving benefits and the VA says he has 30 days to come up with more “evidence”. It sounds as though the VA is saying that because David didn’t go and see any doctors while he was deployed overseas that his illness shouldn’t be related to his time served in Iraq. David has an appointment at the VA on Thursday at 9:00 am. We are asking everyone for your prayers for them. Please pray for what they should or shouldn’t say, what paperwork to bring or not bring.

The “time bank” hours that David has been receiving from the generous Sheriff’s of Riverside runs out this Tuesday. After Tuesday, David will only be receiving 80% of his pay (however, he won’t have to pay income tax) and will have to start paying the premium for their medical insurance (which is very high). I received an email today from someone from the Sheriff’s department saying that even though they had donated time from their “time bank”; here is the email…
Sometime back in March I donated some time to David from my "time bank". I don't recall seeing it come out of my banks. I have had a problem in the past with the county not giving time I donate to the person. I know that when people donate you do not see who the donor is but I would like to know if David has been receiving time. When the time did not come out of my check right away I called the county and they told me they would take it out when David needed time. I don't recall it ever coming out. Please let me know.
We have all been very grateful for how kind everyone has been in donating time; it has been an amazing blessing. Chrissy said she will be calling someone from the sheriff’s department tomorrow to try to confirm that all donated time has been allocated to them.
Chrissy had to go to the pharmacy today and pick up potassium tablets for David to take and to the Hospital to pick up more oral chemo for David. She is very tired.

"Remember the Word to Your servant
Upon which You have caused me to hope.
This is my comfort in my affliction,
For Your Word has given me life."
Psalm 119:49-50

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