July 17, 2010 (Sat.)

David said he was up all night long being very nauseous. We’ve been warned that these next several months are going to be rough. Joe got a text early this morning with a request to bring David some breakfast. He was out the door at 5:45 am to buy Carl’s Jr. and return clean laundry. When Joe got there, David was too tired to visit.

David’s been told that he might be well enough to consider going back to work at the first of the year! Their lease at their apartment here in Orange County doesn’t expire until May 2011. That will give David some time to get back some muscle mass and gain weight before they pack up and move back out closer to work.

"Cast your burden on the LORD,
And He shall sustain you;
He shall never permit the righteous to be moved."
Psalm 55:22

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