April 29, 2010 (Thurs.)

David had an appointment with his oncologist, Dr. Sender, to discuss the road-map for his upcoming treatment plan, which they are calling "Round 3". Hopefully, it will be a little easier schedule to maintain. Week 1 he will go in twice a week, week 2 he will only go once, then week 3 he will go back twice a week and week 4 he goes once. This schedule should continue through mid June. Joe will pick him up and take him for his blood work tomorrow. Monday he has to be at the Chao Center for a Spinal tap and a Intrathecal chemotherapy treatment, plus a dose of Vincristine Chemotherapy and some other chemo IV push.

He was warned that Round 4 will be really rough.

There has been a horrible mix up for the last several days between the pharmacy and the insurance company regarding some of David's prescriptions. The prescription "Zofran" that David takes to help with his nausea was running low. Chrissy called to order more and was told by the pharmacist that he only was alloted 21 pills for 30 days. However, David was prescribed to take a pill every 4 - 6 hours which would leave David only enough pills for less than 4 days leaving him 26 days without medicine. They also found out that the prescription costs $500 to fill. They were able to get an additional 3 pills to cover David until the phone tag mess was cleared up today and the doctor was able to get a prescription filled for 214 pills! That should last awhile...

He weighed in at 134 pounds and the doctor said they need to work on fattening him up.

Oxycodone is a medication that David takes for his headaches. Chrissy had to drive to the hospital to get a "wet signature" on the prescription before it could be filled. Because of another goof up they could only get the 10 mg. filled and are waiting to get a 5 mg. bottle filled.

An "Engine Oil Life 0%" light came on the Tahoe that they just bought on Tuesday and Chrissy has to have her and the kids down to SPIN tomorrow to pick up the birthday party box of goodies from a class of 5th graders. Please pray that everything works out okay with the car and she doesn't have trouble getting there.

"Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you, David;
 He rises to show you compasssion.
 For the LORD is a God of justice.
 Blessed are all who wait for Him."
    IsaiaH 30:18

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