David - Feb. 14, 2010

We were informed this morning that David is Neutropenic. His White blood cell count is at 800 so all visitors now have to wear masks. Here’s a link to a website that helped explain to me what it means…http://www.medicinenet.com/neutropenia/article.htm

The doctors have put him on 3 different kinds of antibiotics to try to keep him safe from any bacterial infections, for example: A friend was kind enough to go out and buy David an electric razor because he is no longer allowed to use a manual blade razor. The risk of cutting himself and getting a bacterial infection is too high. He also has to follow a Neutropenic diet. All foods must be cooked to protect him from any bacteria that are naturally in foods we eat that he is no longer protected from.

We were told by someone that if you use the analogy of gardening; good cells are the flowers and grass and cancer is the weeds. Chemo is like “Round Up”….it kills everything; all weeds, grass and flowers. Right now the Chemo is killing all the cells. Once this round of Chemo is over then they wait and take more tests to see and hope that only the grass and flowers start to grow back and pray that there aren’t any weeds. It gave me a good visual image to work with.

Ethan and Anna were allowed to go up to the David’s room for a visit today. They had to have a nurse come down to the lobby, make sure they were healthy and then escort them to David’s room. Since the children had such a hard time leaving their masks on, David was allowed to the wear a mask so they could visit. They were very excited to see him. Titus has a slightly runny nose (he’s probably teething with a molar coming in, but we didn’t want to take a chance) so he stayed home with Grandpa who was recommended by friends to stay home because he has a cold.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

David’s Bone Marrow Aspiration and Chemo is scheduled for Tuesday. Thanks for your prayers for his comfort and healing.

"and we have known and believed the love that God has for David. God is love, and David does abide in love and abides in God, and God abides in David." 1 John 4:16

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