June 15. 2010 (Tues)

David was very tired today.

Candice (a friend of David & Chrissy's) sent this email...

You’re invited to my
Mary Kay Website Party!

We are Partying with a Purpose!
A portion of the proceeds will go directly to support David Griffin who is currently battling Leukemia.
10% from all book orders, or online orders paid by checks or paypal
If, you order and pay online an additional 5% will be added, totaling 15%.
Plus, $50 will be added to the total when 2 people purchase the Timewise Miracle set.

When: June 15th to July 1st
Deadline for ordering is 6:00 p.m.

When you're ready to checkout online
make sure you put my name (Candice) in the comments section
that way Tracy knows what party your with.

"And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the WORD of GOD, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints"
                            Ephesians 6:17-18


  1. Hi Stacy, thank you for your time and efforts with this Blog (and Kasey ;-)), it means so much to our family and the blessings have been awesome! The Lord truly works in mysterious ways! Love ya all!

  2. Hi all...

    Tracy here (Chrissy & Candice's Mary Kay Consultant) ... just so you know, any order can also be paid for with a major credit card. I have actually decided all the profits for the next 72 hours will go to the Griffins paypal account. That's right every order I receive between now and midnight Wednesday will bring in 40% of the total to the Griffin's paypal account - even if it is from another party or clients order. Love you all... we are praying for you David in Oregon too!!!!
