May 4, 2010 (Tues.)

Joe heard from David that he was feeling awful and was "just surviving".

I received an email from Candice Paumier who will be participating in the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Here is the information....

    Hi Team!
    Just went to the last meeting and wanted to give ya'll an update!
    Reminder...May 15th-16th!!! Valley View HS in Moreno Valley
    We got our camp site. We are on stage left on the track from the bleachers...near Starbucks! Whoo Hoo!!!
    So far we have 6 people signed up to walk and 3 pending. I am counting on getting at least 3 more for a total of 12 so all of us only have to walk 2hrs each.....Soo if you know anyone that needs to come and walk get them signed up...they don't have to raise the full $100 but they do have to pay the $10 registration fee. Plus the more people we get to sign up the less hours you have to walk so bug people, people.
    BBQ's and firepits are not covered in the insurance for the event so bring $5-$10 and we will make a pizza or sub run for lunch and dinner on Saturday.
    Also, this year it's a holiday themed event...we are Police and Armed Forces Day (May 15th) and our Easy Up will be decorated with lots of fun police tape and BDU material. It's gonna be awesome... i will also have a display board for David with some history and info on Leukemia.
    We also went over the events that will be taking place each hour. They are AWESOME!!! I totally want to see some Spirit!!!
    10am Survivor Lap
    11am Spirit Stick...or in our case The Griffin Guide On
    12pm Police/Fire/Armed Forces Lap ****** WE NEED TO REPRESENT *****
    1pm Sunglasses
    2pm Bubbles
    3pm Crazy Hat
    5pm Walk Sideways
    6pm Dance Lap (they will be playing the cha cha slide, chicken dance, YMCA)
    7pm Hawaiian Lap
    8pm Luminaria Announcements and Recognition
    9pm Luminaria Announcments and Recognition
    10pm PJ's (G rated)
    11pm Grab a Partner Do-se-Do (2 people needed)
    12am Karaoke
    1am Flash Light and Glow Sticks
    2am - 7am Caffine Addicts
    8am Celebration Walk

    Soo it looks like I will need everyone to tell me when they want to be schedualed for their 2 hrs between May 15th 11am - May 16th 8am that's 20hrs that need filling

    I will also need a head count of who is camping!!!
    Please Please Please recruit someone!!! This is a lot of fun.
    -sign up for 2 hrs of walking
    -head count for camping
    -bring cash for food
   -bring stuff to go with your walking hours
    -wear an academy class shirt or army colors
    Let me know if you have any concerns or questions!

    Candice Paumier

 "Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One.  Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
     These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up."
                     Deuteronomy 6:4-7

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