Apr. 2, 2010 (Fri.)

Chrissy and I finally had a few minutes to talk on the phone today so we could catch up on what's been going on the last couple of days.

Thursday David was feeling good enough that he took Ethan out to get breakfast in the morning. They brought Chrissy back flowers (tulips) and enjoyed themselves. That little venture took so much energy that David then went back to bed and slept 5 hours.

One of the Bennett daughters helped watch the kids in the afternoon so Chrissy could go to an appointment. She was also able to visit with her sister and help at the food bank her sister helps with.

Today Chrissy had an appointment at SPIN they again have generously paid their entire month of April's rent, plus gave them a $50 gas card, Easter baskets for the kids and let Chrissy "shop" for supplies in their warehouse!

We offered to bring David lunch today on our lunch break at work. David said he was too tired. However, Chrissy said David felt much better in the afternoon. He took a Percocet to help with his headache and aches & pains. It also helped relieve his nausea today so he had more appetite and was hungry to eat.

A huge thank you to everyone that has provided dinners; Kevin & Jaime Lyles, Janice Blackwood & Cari Simonsen, Karen Bennett and Karen Ellison. I even postponed the person set up for Saturday since they have so many leftovers. A friend in Riverside sent  a check so they can order a dinner on a day has gotten too long and difficult.

Thanks so much for your prayers and amazing support.

"But He Was wounded for our trangressions,He Was bruised for our iniquities;The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes, we are healed."   Isaiah 53:5

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